Building bridges between European businesses and African IT-talent


Data, often coined the new electricity, drives founded decision making based on facts.


AI finds patterns in, and makes predictions for, noisy and complex datasets.

Application Development

Application development designs software applications.

Our values

In everything plusopertor does, we strive to deliver efficient results with the highest quality.

We are there for our colleagues, clients and partners. We will never fail on our commitment to deliver impact. Plusoperators open communication and honesty ensures that we can tackle challenge at its core.

Respect is the key to success in the relations we build with our team and clients. We celebrate our diversity and equity.

We identify your needs

We take the time in getting to know and understand you. What talent is missing in your team? What are your goals? We analyse if your business is ready to welcome a plusoperator consultant.

Choose your consultant

Choose your desired profile and get to know him/her. An experienced senior consultant, offering strategic insights and leadership for complex initiatives, or a junior consultant from the plusoperator Trainee Program, bringing fresh ideas and the latest skills.

Be part of a life changing transformation

We offer a high quality service at the best price. See how our consultants changes your business and their communities. With every FTE consultant hired, we sponsor a child's education for a year.

“Plusoperator is not about charity; it’s about creating a win-win scenario where businesses get access to highly skilled IT professionals, and talented individuals get the chance to showcase their knowhow on the global stage!”

– Nassim Benoussaid, cofounder

Nassim Benoussaid

Get in touch

Do you want to reach out for more information or to see how we can help you? Reach out by clicking on the button below: